Welcome to the next full iMeshh Scene! As always, this scene is included in the full iMeshh library for our customers making it an absolutely unbeatable price. Most other full scenes can cost $100+ on their own!
This is a scene made entirely inside Blender, and the video for this scene can be found here –
The entire animation sequence is built into this scene so you can see how something like this is made!
This scene requires Blender 4.2. It can render on an 8GB GPU. If you have something smaller you can probably use the Simplify tab in the render settings to reduce some of the details, or even hide certain objects such a those in the Larder if they are not visible to the camera for your test renders.
This full iMeshh 3D scene for Blender comes jam packed with a ton of iMeshh models.
Downloading full scenes is an incredible way to discover new techniques for modeling, scene organisation, lighting and more. All made in a professional capacity for our own iMeshh promotional material.
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