Sell on iMeshh!

Receive 100% on all sales instantly.

Upload 10 products or use 2GBs of storage space completely
for free with absolutely no fees.

No Fees

You read that correctly - iMeshh does not take any commission or fees from any purchase. Even if you upgrade your store, we still do not charge per sale.

Renting store space

If you want to sell more than 10 products or use more than 2GBs of storage, we will charge you a small fee starting from $1 per month. We only charge this so we can cover the cost of our online storage.

Here for you

We know all too well the struggle of making a living online. You shouldn't need to be charged 20, 40 or even 60% commission on each sale. You put in the hard work, so we want to reward you!

Create an account in seconds

Roadmap To Success


Here are a few features of our marketplace. We are continuously upgrading and adding new features so keep an eye on your store space!

Instant Payments

Every transaction goes to your Stripe or PayPal instantly

0% iMeshh fees

iMeshh won't charge you anything for your sales. Even if you sell your products 1000's of times!

Customise your store

Add any logos or banners you'd like. More features to come soon!

Live notifications

Every store has access to live notifications and popups for every sale or transaction

No exclusivity contracts

We don't tie you into any contract. This means you can sell on any other platform

A little thank you

By buying extra store space you'll be helping to keep our website alive. As a thank you we will give your site a badge and promote your store for you!

Need more storage space?

Have you used up your 10 free product slots, or the free 2GB limit? Why not check out these upgrade options below!

Now with 1 year free trial


All memberships are charged yearly and upon upgrading you’ll be granted the extra space.
You’ll also get a new badge for your store which will help promote your store.

We also thank you for contributing monthly to iMeshh. You’ll be helping to keep the idea alive so everyone can earn everything they deserve.

We need your help to grow the best digital marketplace in the world!

If you sign up to extra store space, we will give you a special badge to help promote your site

Sign up only takes a few minutes and you can start selling instantly.

Do get in touch if you have any questions. We will help you with whatever it may be.

iMeshh really want you to succeed so iMeshh does not take any commission or fees for any sale. The money you earn goes straight into your or PayPal account. Stripe then takes a small transaction fee. This is usually around 1.5% depending on your location, or 3.5% for PayPal, but please be sure to check out their pricing page for more information.

Stripe and PayPal takes a small fee because like any payment gateway, or any bank transfer method (internationally), they need to make money to keep their services running. However, because iMeshh does not take any fees, you’ll be getting the best sale rate from any online store!

Products you upload are saved onto a Digital Ocean storage system which is held outside of iMeshh for extra security. They, like Amazon S3 have incredibly secure and reliable servers.

Here are some of their security measures

  • 24/7 Physical security guard services
  • Physical entry restrictions to the property and the facility
  • Physical entry restrictions to our co-located datacenter within the facility
  • Full CCTV coverage externally and internally for the facility
  • Biometric readers with two-factor authentication
  • Facilities are unmarked as to not draw attention from the outside
  • Battery and generator backup
  • Generator fuel carrier redundancy
  • Secure loading zones for delivery of equipment

Click here to see more information


All buyers will contact the seller of the product if they require a refund. iMeshh does not intervene, as long as the product uploaded does not break our own rules (for example, selling an fake product with no actual download)

iMeshh is just a platform to allow our Vendors to sell their products. Just like a car boot sale, if you buy a defective product, you go to the seller itself and not the manager of the car boot sale.

We have put together a simple lighting set up which should render your products very nicely for publishing onto the store.
Please check it out! Once downloaded, just append your new product into the scene and hit render.

Product Lighting Scene

See below for the equivalent monthly rates for store space

$1/mo – 25 Products & 6GBs storage

$4.5/mo – 150 Products & 35GBs

$16.50/mo – Unlimited Products & 500 GBs storage

These plans currently come with 1 month free trial, so give them a shot and cancel any time.

We sell most 3D assets, from Kitbash, to brushes, to arch-vis to plugins.
If you want to sell on our store but you think we are missing categories then please get in touch and we can see if its something we can include.

Feel free to get in touch, we love making models and we are sure we can help make your model perfect for selling online!